Sunday 15 March 2009

Crit. Session

In Friday's media lesson our film openings were shown for the first time. When ours was shown, I was quite nervous as I had no idea what everyone else would think of it. We did get quite a lot of positive feedback from it, and got some good comments back from our teacher about what we'd done. When watching our opening back I did notice some things that I wasn't happy with that I hadn't really noticed when editing on the macs, and the people in our class also noticed these and suggested we edited them to make our opening better. These include: editing out the conversation scene, changing the title of the film & changing the typography of the credits. It was pointed out that the title (He's Coming After You') gave away the plot of the film, and it was suggested that we possibly change the title to something in Latin. I really like this idea, and will talk to Shazna about what she thinks in our next lesson. The typography also really does not fit in with the sequence, and ruins the atmosphere. This is one of the main things I also realised when it was shown, so we will definitely be changing those when we can. We are planning to start making these changes in the next few days in time for the deadline at the end of next week. Fingers crossed we will get it done in time!

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