Saturday 7 February 2009

New conversation scene...

So this morning we re-filmed the conversation scene between the stalkers victim & her friend. It went well and playing the scene back on the camera it seems to have not come out bright like it did last time, so thats a relief! We decided to film the scene three times, just incase the tape corrupted again or if something didn't come out right from the first shot we filmed of it. The weather was pretty much the same as it was the day we originally filmed the rest of our film opening, and both myself & Lucy were able to remember what we were wearing so our continuity will hopefully not be ruined. We also took some pictures of us filming, as we didn't take any when we filmed our whole film opening a few weeks ago. The pictures we took are below...

All that needs to be done now is myself & Shazna need to edit the conversation scene and add it into the rest of our film opening, go onto a copy-right free website and find music that will go well with the stalker theme of our film opening, add that into our film sequence and then everything should be completed!

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